By Fr. Bel R. San Luis, SVD
A FEW years ago, when I was still assigned at St. Jude Archdiocesan Shrine in San Miguel, Manila, I met a young lady who was reviewing for the bar exam. She told me she was taking the bar and asked me to pray for her.
"I’m scared; it’s going to be my first time," she confided. She was a constant "fixture" in Masses and novenas on Thursday in our church.* * *
She finally took the exams. When I browsed through the papers following the release of the result, there was her name! She made it.
My only "disappointment" was, after her passing, she was no longer seen around in church. I was hoping she would drop in occasionally to thank St. Jude.
"Anyway, she’ll probably come again when she prays for a good husband," I consoled myself.